What To Eat And What To Avoid After Surgery

The process of recovery after a surgery is a crucial period that entails restoration of damaged tissues, rebuilding of strength and gradually getting back to the normal routine. The best way to approach a post-surgery recovery phase is with a positive attitude, realistic goals and plenty of rest. During the days that follow the surgery, consuming a nutrient-dense and well-balanced diet is imperative so that the body is able to heal faster and recover effectively.

For the first few hours after surgery, taking meals through the mouth is often discouraged and the person is provided nutrients intravenously. Clear fluids such as thin broths, strained fruit juices, clear soups are allowed from the next day. Any digestive complaint – distension, constipation, nausea or heartburn is closely monitored after introducing a new food. The transition from liquid to regular diet should be gradual and small; frequent meals are preferred.

What To Eat And What To Avoid After Surgery

Dos And Don’ts Of A Post-Surgery Diet

** Start With Soft And Easily Digestible Foods – The digestive system takes time to recover completely after a surgery, so start with soft and lightly seasoned foods
such as mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, half boiled eggs, porridge, and vegetable purees.
** Choose Your Carbs Wisely – Fibreladen foods such as whole wheat breads, jowar/ragi and beans should be added to the diet to restore the bowel activity.
** Add Healthy Fats – Sneak in extra calories by including healthy fats such as olive oil, ghee, fish, nuts and seeds in the diet.
** Include Antioxidant-Rich Fruits And Vegetables – Stress and medications increase the production of free radicals in the body. Vitamin A and vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables such as sweet potato, spinach, guava, citrus fruits, tomato, carrots, beetroot etc. help to boost the intake of antioxidants and strengthen the immunity.
** Heal With High Quality Proteins – The post-surgery demand for proteins is high to repair the wounds and promote healing. So include plenty of fish, eggs, nuts, soybeans, and dairy and protein supplements in the diet.
** Consume Anti-Inflammatory Foods Inflammation, swelling and bruising is common after surgery, so adding foods that alleviate inflammation such as turmeric, flaxseeds, ginger, walnuts, berries, green tea and green leafy vegetables is essential.

Avoid refined and processed foods as they are devoid of essential nutrients. Go low on carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Take extra sugar, salt and saturated fats off the table and exercise regularly to promote healing after a surgery.

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